Working in 3D – Stage 4

The Tree That Never Grew

  • After applying five layers of the rice paper, the process gets to be a bit tedious. I started taking the paper up the tree but it was not long before I decided that was too fiddley and turned to the white acrylic paint instead.


  • To take a break before the last layers of rice paper, I started making the little icons that I wanted to insert into the sculpture using self-hardening clay.

The bird that never flew, The fish that never swam and the bell that never rang.

  • And then I decided to make a boat. Why a boat? The boat is the symbol of ‘the journey’ that often appears in my artwork. I also needed something to balance the piece. I was pleased with my little boat when I made it but when I covered it with the rice paper, it turned out rather clunky.  I think I need to think it out again.

My next job will be to decide how to put some colour into the piece. I feel colour would add more interest but I don’t want to destroy the unity of the different elements of the sculpture. However, I can experiment, knowing that if I don’t like the result, a coat of white acrylic paint can take me back to try again.

Hopefully, the next blog will show the finished piece … have fun.